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The fight against terrorism: An assessment, por Riad Malki

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The fight against terrorism: An assessment, por Riad Malki

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The fight against terrorism: An assessment, por Riad Malki

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The fight against terrorism: An assessment, por Riad Malki

Datas de produção

2002-01-01  a  2002-12-31 

Dimensão e suporte

5 pg. impressas

Âmbito e conteúdo

The definition of terrorism is made by the USA after 9/11 and leaves out many situations (such as the Palestinian-Israel case). The paper analyses the question of the USA (and anti-Americanism) imposing themselves in the international community and emphasizes that to fight terrorism a great unity and joint force is necessary, not unilateralism.

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Existência e localização de originais

Malki, Riad - The fight against terrorism: An assessment - XX Conferência Internacional de Lisboa., IEEI, 2002.

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