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“Innovation 25” Plan in Japan+ , por Eiji Ogawa

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“Innovation 25” Plan in Japan+ , por Eiji Ogawa

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“Innovation 25” Plan in Japan+ , por Eiji Ogawa

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“Innovation 25” Plan in Japan+ , por Eiji Ogawa

Datas de produção

2007-03-01  a  2007-03-02 

Dimensão e suporte

20 pg. impressas

Âmbito e conteúdo

A “Lost Decade” in 1990 caused a stagnation in the Japanese economy and in turn technology or total factor productivity has decreased and has been relatively lower than the period before the bubble burst and the United States and European countries. To combat this problem, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has created a long-term strategy, “Innovation 25”. This paper addresses the context of the "Lost Decade" and explains the overall image for the long-term strategy initiation of “shape and innovation that society should aim for in 2025.

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Existência e localização de originais

Ogawa, Eiji - Innovation 25” Plan in Japan+ -XXV Conferência Internacional de Lisboa. A Estratégia de Lisboa numa sociedade do conhecimento sem fronteiras, IEEI, 01 -02 de março de 2007

Existência e localização de cópias

PT_ADN_IEEI_006_0520_Plan in Japan Eiji Ogawa