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The United Nations and the internationalization of environmental politics, por Viriato Soromenho Marques

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The United Nations and the internationalization of environmental politics, por Viriato Soromenho Marques

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The United Nations and the internationalization of environmental politics, por Viriato Soromenho Marques

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The United Nations and the internationalization of environmental politics, por Viriato Soromenho Marques

Datas de produção

1995-11-22  a  1995-11-24 

Dimensão e suporte

11 pg. impressas

Âmbito e conteúdo

This intervention is divided into two parts: the first one sets a historical context for environmentalism, both as a social movement and framework for public policies, highlighting the "global environmental crisis" and exploring the results and limitations of the United Nations conferences on the environment. The second part is a perspective on how international environmental politics can succeed in the UN sphere of action.

Idioma e escrita


Existência e localização de originais

Marques, Viriato Soromenho– The United Nations and the internationalization of environmental politics” - XIII Conferência Internacional de Lisboa – A União Europeia e as Nações Unidas, IEEI, 22 -24 de novembro de 1995

Existência e localização de cópias
