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The United Nations: Looking ahead – A US perspective,por Marten Herman

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The United Nations: Looking ahead – A US perspective,por Marten Herman

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The United Nations: Looking ahead – A US perspective,por Marten Herman

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The United Nations: Looking ahead – A US perspective,por Marten Herman

Datas de produção

1995-11-22  a  1995-11-24 

Dimensão e suporte

8 pg. impressas

Âmbito e conteúdo

This intervention analyses the globalisation that has made economic and social development more complex. The UN system has more than reasons to adapt and meet all expectations and carry out its purposes in a cost-effective way in new circumstances. There will be a continuing need to work out effective liaison between the UN and NATO.

Idioma e escrita


Existência e localização de originais

Heuner, Alexander van – The United Nations: Looking ahead – A US perspective” - XIII Conferência Internacional de Lisboa – A União Europeia e as Nações Unidas, IEEI, 22 -24 de novembro de 1995

Existência e localização de cópias
