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Turkish contribution to the diversity and richness of the enlarged Europe - Mehmet Aydin

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Turkish contribution to the diversity and richness of the enlarged Europe - Mehmet Aydin

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Turkish contribution to the diversity and richness of the enlarged Europe - Mehmet Aydin

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Turkish contribution to the diversity and richness of the enlarged Europe - Mehmet Aydin

Datas de produção

2003-11-20  a  2003-11-21 

Dimensão e suporte

10 pg. impressas

Âmbito e conteúdo

Ever since the Treaty of Rome, the Europe’s decision-making processes and institutions are gradually keeping pace with the expansion of the European Union’s borders. The present text analyses Turkey’s position in this context. It makes a historical context about Turkey, its culture and values. The author highlights Turkey's importance in an Arab world and the EU's rapprochement with this region.

Idioma e escrita


Existência e localização de originais

Aydin, Mehmet - Turkish contribution to the diversity and richness of the enlarged Europe -XXI Conferência nternacional de Lisboa. Diversidade e Mudança na Ordem Internacional Diálogos e Conflitos no Mediterrâneo, IEEI, 20-21 de novembro de 2003

Existência e localização de cópias
