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Opening Speech - José Calvet Magalhães

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Opening Speech - José Calvet Magalhães

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Opening Speech - José Calvet Magalhães

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Opening Speech - José Calvet Magalhães

Datas de produção

1999-11-11  a  1999-11-12 

Dimensão e suporte

3 pg. impressas

Âmbito e conteúdo

Portugal assumes the presidency of the Council of the European Union and some of the challenges include the process of negotiating new accessions, the general problem of unemployment, maintaining the Union's relations with other regions (namely Africa) and deepening integration with the implementation of the CFSP. Portugal also has an important role to play in increasing the list of issues that can be resolved by qualified majority voting, revising the system of weighting votes to prevent the majority of votes from large countries only. The Portuguese presidency will be important to clarify national public opinion on participation in the European project.

Idioma e escrita


Existência e localização de originais

Magalhães, José Calvet - Opening Speech -XVII Conferência Internacional de Lisboa. Portuguese Presidency - Institutional reform and external action of the European Union, IEEI, 11-12 de novembro de 1999

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