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European Integration of Portuguese Agriculture - Armando Sevinate Pinto

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European Integration of Portuguese Agriculture - Armando Sevinate Pinto

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European Integration of Portuguese Agriculture - Armando Sevinate Pinto

Datas de produção

2000-01-01  a  2000-12-31 

Dimensão e suporte

6 pg. impressas

Âmbito e conteúdo

When in 1977, Portugal applied to join what was then the European Economic Community, agriculture was the sector of most concern to the Portuguese authorities. Departing from this context, the present paper deals with the agricultural sector in Portugal and its role in the Portuguese integration and negotiations process in the EU. In the first section, it addresses the state of the agricultural sector before the integration and the main concerns regarding it. The second section deals with Portuguese attitude in the negotiations and the Accession Treaty. The third and last section reflects on the impact and results of 14 years of integration.

Idioma e escrita


Existência e localização de originais

Pinto, Armando Sevinate. European Integration of Portuguese Agriculture. In Portugal, a European Story. Lisboa: Principia, 1999.

Existência e localização de cópias

PT_ADN_IEEI_003_0221_PES European Integration of Portuguese Agriculture Armando Sevinate Pinto