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Creating the Internal Market: The Portuguese Experience - Vítor Martins

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Creating the Internal Market: The Portuguese Experience - Vítor Martins

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Creating the Internal Market: The Portuguese Experience - Vítor Martins

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Creating the Internal Market: The Portuguese Experience - Vítor Martins

Datas de produção

2000-01-01  a  2000-12-31 

Dimensão e suporte

5 pg. impressas

Âmbito e conteúdo

Despite being to everyone’s advantage, the Internal Market began in climate of European recession and shortly after Portugal’s integration in the community. Nevertheless, the effect in Portugal of the gradual implementation of the Internal Market was positive not only for its social effects but also for its influence on production and on the economy as a whole. This paper offers a brief overview of the strategies, benefits and achievements of the Internal Market in Portugal, how it was able to meet the challenge of the single market and, finally, the negative impact it had, notwithstanding, on agriculture and in the services sector.

Idioma e escrita


Existência e localização de originais

Martins, Vítor. Creating the Internal Market: The Portuguese Experience. In Portugal, a European Story. Lisboa: Principia, 1999.

Existência e localização de cópias

PT_ADN_IEEI_003_0218_PES Creating the Internal Market The Portuguese Experience Vítor Martins