The news media and foreign policy-making, por Edward Haley

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The news media and foreign policy-making, por Edward Haley

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The news media and foreign policy-making, por Edward Haley

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The news media and foreign policy-making, por Edward Haley

Datas de produção

1987-12-21  a  1988-02-20 

Dimensão e suporte

7 pg. impressas

Âmbito e conteúdo

During the past century the startling innovations in the media were applied to the gathering and broadcasting of “news” and, unavoidably, to the moulding of opinion. In a democratic age, the power of the news media derives from their potential to influence opinion. This has led for groups of individuals, governments, political parties, terrorist, corporations, labour unions and others to seek this medium as a form of exertion of power and control of knowledge. At the same time, ours is above all an age of democracy – whether they are truly free and pluralistic or subservient to a totalitarian party – which, accordingly, puts a new sort of pressure under the media to be populist and emphasize the themes that appeal to a mass audience. Conversely, this democratic age also means that the people rely on the news media for information as they seek to govern themselves and to balance the great conflicting powers of faith, self-interest and ambition within themselves and their societies. Bearing this in mind, the present study seeks to survey the benefits and bottlenecks of the new media in a globalised area, especially regarding their influence on process of formation of public opinion, democratisation and security issues, reminding, notwithstanding, how these, despite the risk of corruption, possess important powers in the maintenance of democracy and an important tool for the empowerment of the civil society.

Idioma e escrita


Existência e localização de originais

Haley, Edward. The news media and foreign policy-making. Estratégia - Revista de Estudos Internacionais: Lisboa. IEEI. Nº 4 (1987-1988). P. 151-158

Existência e localização de cópias

PT_ADN_IEEI_005_0036_The news media and foreign policy_making Edward Haley