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The future of Europe seen from outside, por Emily Landau

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The future of Europe seen from outside, por Emily Landau

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The future of Europe seen from outside, por Emily Landau

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The future of Europe seen from outside, por Emily Landau

Datas de produção

2002-01-01  a  2002-12-31 

Dimensão e suporte

4 pg. impressas

Âmbito e conteúdo

This paper looks at the future of Europe from an Israeli perspective. Europe-Israel relations have been more successful on the economic front. It deals with Europe's position on the Middle East Peace Process, views of the ESDP and, finally, an optimistic conclusion on the future of Israeli-EU relations.

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Existência e localização de originais

Landau, Emily - The future of Europe seen from outside - XX Conferência Internacional de Lisboa., IEEI, 2002.

Existência e localização de cópias
