The Portuguese-Spanish Relationship, por Maria João Seabra

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The Portuguese-Spanish Relationship, por Maria João Seabra

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The Portuguese-Spanish Relationship, por Maria João Seabra

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The Portuguese-Spanish Relationship, por Maria João Seabra

Datas de produção

2000-01-01  a  2000-12-31 

Dimensão e suporte

6 pg. impressas.

Âmbito e conteúdo

The development of the Portuguese-Spanish relationship is a clear example of the impact of European integration in bilateral relations. In the Portuguese case the European option meant not only the return to Europe and to the European democratic countries’ family, but also the establishment of a healthier relationship Spain. Tracing the history of bilateral relations between the two countries before, during and after their integration process in the EU, the present paper demonstrates how the EU accession meant the establishment of a new framework within which political and economic bilateral relations could evolve. Integration generated common interests between the two countries, such as its common border region and foreign outreach, being decisive to the reinforcement of social contacts between the two.

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Existência e localização de originais

Seabra, Maria João. The Portuguese-Spanish Relationship. In Portugal, a European Story. Lisboa: Principia, 1999. ISBN.

Existência e localização de cópias

PT_ADN_IEEI_009_0005_PES The Portuguese_Spanish Relationship Maria João Seabra