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Africa, China and Europe: Is There Scope for a Real Partnership?, por Patrícia Magalhães Ferreira

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Africa, China and Europe: Is There Scope for a Real Partnership?, por Patrícia Magalhães Ferreira

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Africa, China and Europe: Is There Scope for a Real Partnership?, por Patrícia Magalhães Ferreira

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Africa, China and Europe: Is There Scope for a Real Partnership?, por Patrícia Magalhães Ferreira

Datas de produção

2009-01-01  a  2009-06-30 

Dimensão e suporte

13 pg. impressas

Âmbito e conteúdo

International relations are undergoing profound change with newly emerging powers entering the scene. The European Union is itself an “emerging” foreign policy actor, hoping to reinforce its political influence in order to match its weight as global development actor. Against the backdrop of a proliferation of global actors in the twentieth-first century, China’s emerging presence in Africa challenges Western approaches, offering new opportunities for African governments to diversify their development partners. This paper gives some insights on how Europe can better cooperate with emerging donors to promote Africa’s development and analyses some of the main opportunities and challenges for African countries.

Idioma e escrita


Existência e localização de originais

Ferreira, Patrícia Magalhães. Africa, China and Europe: Is There Scope for a Real Partnership?. Estratégia - Revista de Estudos Internacionais: Lisboa. IEEI. Nº 26 -27 (2009).

Existência e localização de cópias

PT_ADN_IEEI_006_0370_Africa China and Europe_ Is There Scope for a Real Partnership Patrícia Magalhaes Ferreira