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The EU and Nato’s wider new neighbourhood, por Saad Eddin Ibrahim

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The EU and Nato’s wider new neighbourhood, por Saad Eddin Ibrahim

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The EU and Nato’s wider new neighbourhood, por Saad Eddin Ibrahim

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The EU and Nato’s wider new neighbourhood, por Saad Eddin Ibrahim

Datas de produção

2004-12-13  a  2004-12-14 

Dimensão e suporte

1 pg. impressas

Âmbito e conteúdo

The present document is a synthesis of the author's intervention on EU and Nato's wider new neighbourhood. It argues that the frequency of armed conflict occurs when justice is neglected and that attention needs to be paid to collective security.

Idioma e escrita


Existência e localização de originais

Ibraim, Saad Eddin - The EU and Nato’s wider new neighbourhood”- XXII Lisbon International Conference - The Mediterranean, the Middle East and Eastern Europe The EU and Nato’s wider new neighbourhood Lisbon, IEEI, 13-14 de dezembro de 2004

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