Developments in NATO' s strategy, por Cornelius de Jager

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Developments in NATO' s strategy, por Cornelius de Jager

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Developments in NATO' s strategy, por Cornelius de Jager

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Developments in NATO' s strategy, por Cornelius de Jager

Datas de produção

1986-09-21  a  1986-12-20 

Dimensão e suporte

9 pg. impressas

Âmbito e conteúdo

The political aim of NATO is to defend its territory as far as possible. The question thus is how to defend it and with what. The answer is to be found in the field of strategy and the measures needed to implement that strategy. Strategic thinking has been intrinsically connected to issues of safety and defence, with a variety of factors (resources, manpower, emerging technologies and others) relating to its success and dynamic constitution. It thus becomes of paramount importance to discuss in which way can NATO’s defence strategy become dynamic and flexible to the different processes that influence its actuation. For that, the present paper discusses the historical background, present situation and aspects of future development that permeate the contemporary challenges faced by NATO.

Idioma e escrita


Existência e localização de originais

Jager, Cornelius de. Developments in NATO' s strategy. Estratégia - Revista de Estudos Internacionais: Lisboa. IEEI. Nº 2 (1986). P. 156-166

Existência e localização de cópias

PT_ADN_IEEI_005_0027_Developments in NATO' s strategy Cornelius de Jager